Storyteller/ Storytelling Performer
Storyteller/ Storytelling Performer Storyteller/ Storytelling Performer Storyteller/ Storytelling Performer
"Fabulous, Ingrid. Absolutely riveting!"
"I thought I knew the story, but you brought it to life with unexpected heartfelt moments."
"So good! So wickedly funny!"
"So many vivid images, Ingrid! Funny AND lovely!"
"I could picture the ice closing around the ship."
"Wow! I was on the edge of my seat."
"Wonderful telling of adventures and the human character."
"Beyond brilliant! Wow!"
"Easy to understand for a new person. I loved the interactive participation, the stories and examples given to support the subject matter. Was excellent. 10 out of 10."
"Great techniques that I can use to freshen up my 'tried and true' stories, and use to generate my own versions with new material."
Tune in here.
5p Pacific Time
FREE registration here.
5p Pacific Time
Times vary
Attend in-person or virtually. More here.
Times vary
Ingrid's crafting of "Shackleton's Endurance" as featured in The Story Beast in the "That's Amazing: Behind the Scenes of Great Performances" section. Read all about it here. (Starting on p. 55)
Performing at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN.
Performing as Teller-in-Residence at the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough, TN
Telling the story of Jean-Baptiste Charcot's first Antarctic expedition where it happened: Booth Island, Antarctica.
Ingrid Nixon is a world-traveling storyteller who whisks listeners away on journeys of the imagination. Exploration nail-biters, tall tales, traditional and personal stories—she tells them all on international expeditions, and at venues around the country, including the National Storytelling Festival. Her creative approaches to story crafting help make ancient tales relevant to modern audiences. All three of Ingrid's recordings have received the Storytelling World Gold Seal for listeners of all ages! Her audio recording, Grimm’s with a Twist, offers deliciously dark stories spiced liberally with humor and pathos. Operation Bouncy Chair, features personal stories about the important things in life: family, love, and coffee. Lost Hearts and Other Creepy Stories is perfect for a dark and stormy night. She is a champion liar many times over, a claim that made her mother both proud and worried. She holds a Masters in Storytelling from East Tennessee State University. She hails from Alaska. More at See her longer bio here.
"Ingrid is an excellent teller .... She is funny, elegant, handles personal experience stories with a lot of humor, as well as pathos, and makes folktales quirky and relevant to modern lifetime situations."
"Ingrid's stories take you from the twisted heart of Grimm's dark tales to the open heart of sibling rivalry to the roiling stomach trying to keep its cookies on twisting decks of ships bound for the Antarctic.
This massive breadth of material is offered with a keen eye to detail, a deep appreciation that irony is the driving force of the universe, and an uncanny ability to take you all of these places, like a friend, traveling with her."
"Ingrid is a natural-born storyteller. Her voice and skills offer up a taste of folk tradition seasoned with contemporary flavors, a feast for the ear!"
Need a storyteller for a workshop or event? Contact Ingrid and she will get back to you promptly.